Carlie C’s

Cash back on all of your grocery purchases at Carlie C’s! Download Upside to save on your groceries now.

Save money on more than just groceries with Upside. Earn over $100 a year with cash back at gas, grocery, and local restaurants with Upside.

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Carlie C’s locations near you.

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Snap a picture of your receipt and cash out anytime via PayPal, e-gift card, or check.

70k+ reviews on App Store and Google Play Store

I am up to $36 after 4 months for not doing anything more than buying the gas I normally would have.

— @CountHokie on Twitter

This is an amazing app. It shows where are the cheapest gas and food prices in the area and gives you cash back on top of all the benefits.

— Dan P. on Google Play

Highly recommended app! Easy to use and so easy to earn cash. Been using it for about 4 months and have made over $100 already!

— Victor P. on Facebook